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win win cooperation between banks and enterprises

release time:2019-06-28 source:fiocco click:5

on the morning of june 28, the credit signing ceremony of ningbo urban credit union & fiocco yesgo and the financing exchange activity of small and micro enterprises were successfully held in fiocco group (yesgo complex). shi yun, chairman of fiocco group, li youzeng, director of ningbo urban credit union, a number of group suppliers and representatives of enterprises settled in yesgo attended the signing ceremony.

fiocco group adheres to the concept of win-win cooperation and is committed to establishing a mutually enabling and win-win relationship with its partners. this time, it reached a strategic cooperation with ningbo urban credit union, signed a contract to launch "xinyi loan" and obtained a credit credit of 500 million yuan from ningbo urban credit union, aiming to provide better financial services for supply chain customers who have business with fiocco group and enterprises settled in yesgo fashion (science and technology) industrial park and solve the problem of financing.

after the signing ceremony, ningbo urban credit union introduced in detail the "xinyi loan" financing products for small and micro enterprises. a number of supplier enterprises on site participated in the consultation and exchange meeting to conduct in-depth discussion on the financing of small and micro enterprises.

in this bank enterprise connection, figo group (yesgo valley complex) obtained a credit line of 500 million yuan from ningbo urban credit union. in the first phase, three enterprises of jiebei sports, wufu clothing and hengyi clothing obtained the credit line from the urban credit union. at the same time, many enterprises expressed their financing intention, which can be described as fruitful.

ningbo urban credit union focuses on small, medium-sized and micro enterprises and focuses on promoting the development of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises with financial empowerment. fiocco group (yesgo complex) expresses deep gratitude for the credit support of ningbo urban credit union. we believe that the two sides will continue to deepen cooperation, jointly provide a good financial ecology for the development of small and micro enterprises in the textile and garment industry, and will reap the fruits of "bank enterprise docking and win-win cooperation"!
